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Free Seasonal Worship Resources

    DPS Seasonal Resources


Daily devotions blog by Nail-Bender, messages and worship resources:

Everything you need for preparing the most popular of Christian Church holidays

Lectionary resources, devotions and more

Ash Wednesday
Complete worship service with multimedia to commemorate the beginning of Lent

Prayers, messages and worship resources

Videos, multimedia, messages, and prayers for this most holy of Christian holidays

Resources, devotions, messages and more:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Resources to help you observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Mother's Day
Worship ideas, prayers, sermons, and videos

Reformation Sunday Worship Resources
Resources for the celebration of the Protestant Reformation

Stewardship Sunday
Worship ideas and resources to help observe Stewardship Sunday.

World Communion Sunday
World Communion Sunday, held on the first Sunday of October, is celebrated by thousands of Christians from various denominations.