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  • The Biggest Secret, a children's sermon based on Epiphany
    by Rev. Frank Schaefer                                     (see below)

  • This Little Light, a children's sermon based on Epiphany
    by Rev. Frank Schaefer                                    (scroll down)


1) The Biggest Secret
a children's sermon based on Epiphany
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

props: a box of jelly beans (or other candy) wrapped as a present

Greetings, my little friends. Today, we celebrate Epiphany. That's a very tough word, isn't it? What we're celebrating on Epiphany is the manifestation, the revealing of God's love in Jesus Christ.

Just a week ago we celebrated Christmas; the arrival of baby Jesus. And on Epiphany we celebrate that God has shown us his true face in and through Jesus. Jesus is the clearest revelation of God we have; and because Jesus was compassionate and full of love, we know that God is a God of grace and that he loves us very, very much.

In a way you could say that the true nature of God was hidden before Jesus was born--God's love for us was a secret. And with the birth of baby Jesus that secret was revealed to all the world.

(Hold up the present you brought) It's kind of like giving presents to a family member on Christmas. How many of you have gotten gifts for mom or dad in Santa's gift shop at school? Or at the mall? So, you picked a present for mom or dad and you wrapped it, right? And did you put the gift under the Christmas tree? And, of course, you kept a secret what was inside, right? In other words, you keep it a secret until the right time comes on Christmas Day.

And that's exactly what God did. He waited until the right time to reveal his great love for us through baby Jesus. When Jesus was born, God said: "Surpriiiiiise!" God said: this is how much I love you that I gave you my only begotten son. And knowing Jesus we can experience God's love and mercy.

I bet you have been dying to know what's in the present I brought with me. I tell you what, the time has come to reveal that secret and unwrap it. (Unwrap the present). I thought that I'd show my appreciation to you, and get you something sweet. (Hand out the candy). Thank God for showing us his great love in baby Jesus and thank God for sweet things, too!


2) This Little Light of Mine
a children's sermon based on Epiphany
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

Object:  a battery operated electric candle.

Tell about the meaning of Epiphany as God's Light coming into the darkened world.  Turn on the electric candle and ask the children what light is useful for (vision, beacon, warmth--let them feel the heat of the bulb).

Tell them that "God's Light" is a picture word (metaphor) for a person who came into the world and whether they know who it is.  Ask them why they think Jesus is called God's Light (he made blind to see, he helped us understand God in a new light, he saved us from sin...).

God's Light is still in the world today, shining in the form of the church of Christ.  We are the church, you and I are God's little lights and we are called to shine in the darkness around us--to make this world a better place.   Examples?

If your children know the song "This Little Light of Mine"  this is a great time to sing it with them to close the children's time in worship (you may want to use the hand-motions too).