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John 20:19-31                                                    

"locked doors" - John’s use of locked doors heighten the drama and supernatural quality of Jesus’ appearance.

"fear of the jews" - a Johannine code phrase that suggests the Johannine community’s struggle with the Jewish authorities of their day.

"peace" - Jesus’ greeting of shalom should be read with our memories embedded in John 14:27 and 15:18-25.

"breathed on them" - carries the idea of empowering the Johannine community to continue Jesus’ work. "To breathe" (emphysao) appears only here; the usage evokes God’s breathing the breath of life into the first human being (Gen. 2:7), and also the image in Ezekiel 37.

NIB-The story of Thomas is one of hope and possibilities, not judgment and reprimand. Later generations too, will experience the grace of God in Jesus. As bold as Jesus’ gesture is to Thomas here, Jesus’ care for the faith of those who come after Thomas, who will not see, is equally without limit and measure. [1]


Where has Jesus confronted your confusions or fears either through the Christian community or through some other emissary with those words, "Peace be unto you?"

In these Johannine resurrection stories in John 20, with whom do you most identify? The other disciple? Peter? Mary Magdalene? Thomas?


Here is one suggestion to block out the lesson for proclamation:

(1) Describe the great varieties of reaction to the resurrection story; (2) shift to Thomas’ reaction-describe, imagine, argue against, sympathize with, and celebrate his reaction to the resurrection announcement.
(3) Move to our culture-wonder with your congregation the barriers that keep people from entrusting their lives to Jesus? How can we assist Thomas-types in their seeking? In the church? Among the unchurched?
(4) Note that Thomas ultimately becomes a martyr in India-in face, Thomas churches still exist due to the influence of this one disciple. He does eventually come to a place where enough barriers to his belief are removed so that he can entrust his life to the resurrected Lord.

You may also want to refer to this week's homily, "No Interview," on DPS.

[1] The New Interpreter’s Bible IX (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995), page 853.