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Choose from the following children's Sermons:

  • Symbols of God's Presence, John 14:23-29, F. Schaefer  (see below)
  • God's Love--Our Light, John 14:27, by TH  (see below)
  • The Mark of the Cross, John 14:23-29, anonymous  (see below)
  • Spoiling Mom on Mother's Day, by Rev. Frank Schaefer  (see below)


Symbols of God's Presence
a children's sermon based on John 14:23-29
                by Rev. F. Schaefer

Props: several Christian symbols: dove (symbolizing the Holy Spirit), a fish, and a cross either printed on paper or in form of ornaments.

In today's lesson we hear Jesus saying to his disciples: "I will be going away soon."  Can you imagine how sad the disciples were when he said that?     Jesus had just been made alive again by God and he had spent about 40 days with the disciples after that.

But then Jesus said: "but I will not really leave you alone altogether.     I will be sending you the Holy Spirit."  And the Holy Spirit will be living in your hearts. In this way I will be always with you."

Today, I brought with me a symbol of the Holy spirit. (Show dove).    Do you recognize what it is?  That's right it's a dove.  The dove stands for the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent us and who lives in our hearts.

Symbols are a great way for us to remember Jesus and what he has done for us. Symbols are also a great way to recognize other Christians even today.  You see, some Christians put these symbols on a bumper sticker on their car.  Other Christians use other Christian symbols. What are some other Christian symbols?  Cross (show your cross if you have one), bible, praying hands . . . 

Here is another Christian symbol.  (Show fish).  It is one of the oldest Christian symbols.  What does it look like to you? That's right, it is the symbol of a fish* (scroll down for an explanation).

This symbol of the fish was used by the early Christians to recognize each other.     It was a secret sign.  Christians back then needed a secret sign because they were not allowed to follow Jesus and worship together.  They had to meet in secret, they couldn't meet in churches.  They met in houses and in the forest and places like that.

Say for instance, (pick a child) I would see, say, Tony in the market place and I thought I had seen him somewhere in a secret Christian meeting, I would draw the symbol of the fish in the sand.  And if Toni were a Christian then he'd know that I am one too, and we would hug each other and say: "hey, you're a Christian too!!     So glad to meet you!!

Now, I want you to be on the look-out.  Look out for Christian symbols on peoples t-shirts, necklaces, and bumper stickers on their cars.  What does it mean when you see one of those Christian symbols on a car, for instance?  That the people in that car love Jesus too?  That's right.

Now, do you think that also means that the driver of that car will follow the traffic rules?  That he or she will not speed and not run stop signs?     Most likely they will drive safely (although keep in mind that even Christians may have bad days =). 

And when we discover a Christian symbol on someone else's car ( or around their neck, on their t-shirt, etc.) then we are happy that we've found someone else who follows Jesus.  And that is a great feeling.  It's kind of like discovering once again that Jesus is everywhere and all around us.  Just like he said he would be with us through his Spirit.

Let us pray: "God, we thank you for signs and symbols you have given us which remind us of you and your love and that you are there for us all the time.   And every time we see one of your signs on someone else we are also reminded that we we are not alone as Christians in this world.  We want to thank you for your love, for your Holy Spirit, and for giving us brothers and sisters who encourage and help us.   Amen."

*The symbolism of the fish: The early Christians spoke a language called Greek, and in Greek the name for fish is ICHTYS.   Each letter of ICHTUS stands for a word that has to do with Jesus.   They are: 1) Iesus 2) Christ(os)   3) God's (theo) 4) Son (uvo) 5) Savior (soter).

God's Love--Our Light
a children's sermon seed
John 14:27, by TH

I am going to talk about fear. Specifically fear of the dark...something most young kids can identify with. My object will be a flashlight or night light. How these things help us in the dark times. God's love helps us through scary times. When we are afraid of something we can think of God's love, it will be our light.


The Mark of the Cross
John 14:23-29

Brand names are a big deal, for children as for adults. We often judge others by what kinds of clothes they wear or cars they drive. Still, we already have a label, and it's unlike anything else in the world. In baptism we received the mark of the cross of Christ. No other brand makes a greater difference in our life. Various dramas are available that speak to the tension that exists between our culture's definition of "cool" and the Christian community's call to commitment. Have some young people present a drama during worship today that speaks to this topic.

Spoiling Mom on Mother's Day
by Rev. Frank Schaefer

Good morning, my little friends. Since this is Mother's Day I want to ask you a question about mothers: "Do you think there is anybody in this room who does not have a mother?" "Do you think there ever lived a person who did not have a mother?"

Well, it may surprise you (or maybe not) that there lived according to the Bible two persons who did not have a mother. Can you guess who they were?

That's right, Adam and Eve. They did not have a human mother or a father. They were the first people ever and God made them.

Now, try to put yourself in Adam's or Eve's shoes. What would life be like if you didn't have a mother?

How would it be different? (if children don't share right away, say something like:) there wouldn't be anybody to be after you to clean up your room, brush your teeth, nobody to stop you from watching too much TV . . . ? Would you like that?

But think about what else would be different. How about the times when you're sick. Who takes care of you? Who washes your clothes? Who prepares your food? Who tucks you in and kisses you at night? You really don't want to miss that, right?

There are mothers of a different nature.  Have you ever heard of Mother Teresa?   Now she did not have any biological children (as far as I know), but she had thousands of spiritual children.  There are many of her children in India that she took good care of; she clothed them, and gave them food, she prayed with them, and sent them to school, and to the doctors office--all things that these children didn't have because they were motherless and fatherless.

There are many women in this church, too, who have many spiritual  children--like our Sunday school teachers, and nursery attendants.

Whether biological or spiritual or otherwise, the truth is that mothers are some of the greatest people on earth, because they take such good care of their children, and they love us so much.

So, today we really should do something special for our biological and spiritual mom's. They deserve it. Let's tell them that we love them and appreciate them, and let's spoil them a little today.

Let's pray a prayer of thanks for our moms together:  "Thank you, God, for giving us moms.  Looking at our biological and spiritual moms we can often see your love and care in them.  Bless our mothers today and help us to be good children.   Amen."