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Choose from the following Children's Sermons:

  • Jesus Fills our Hearts, John 6:24-35

  • I am the Bread of Life . . . Jesus, John 6:24-35
    by Frank Schaefer


Jesus Fills our Hearts
a children's sermon seed based on John 6:24-35

props: Get some cotton candy, and use it as a prop.

Tell the story of how you remember going to the carnival as a child, and how you were surprised the first time you ate cotton just disappeared in your mouth, it was gone, there was nothing to it.

Wouldn't it have been better to eat a hamburger? That would satisfy your hunger.

Well, we all have a hunger in our souls, an empty space in our heart that needs to be filled up. We can try to get a lot of toys, or good grades, or stylish clothes, or listen to the latest music.

But all these things are like cotton candy, they will not truly fill us up or satisfy us. But if we have Jesus in our lives, Christ in our hearts, we will have deep love and his Holy Spirit that will satisfy us and fill us up.

I am the Bread of Life . . . Jesus
a children's sermon based on John 6:24-35
by Frank Schaefer

Props: bread-maker machine (if you don't have one, you may be able to borrow one), a loaf of bread, dough.

Show the kids the bread-maker and show them the dough (you may even put it in the maker), then ask them if anybody really believes that when you put the dough in this machine a loaf of bread will come out?

"The dough is not much to look at, is it? It's hard to believe that a crusty bread ever looked like this (at that point show them the loaf). Well, the truth is that the dough I put in this machine will look like this delicious loaf of bread in a couple of hours.

You know, Jesus once said: "I am the Bread of Life." Jesus compared himself to bread. And you know there are some similarities between Jesus and bread. Much like the dough, Jesus didn't look like much when he was walking among us. People didn't believe that he was the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

The bread dough will rise soon in my bread-maker. You know what? Jesus rose too. He rose from the dead. And he has become Savior to many. He truly is the Bread of Life.

He gives us eternal life. If we eat from the bread I am making, it will nourish us and keep us alive. If we have Jesus, the Bread of Life, in our hearts then we have eternal life. So you see, Bread and Jesus have some things in common. Maybe that's why Jesus said: "I am the Bread of Life."