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Call to Worship (based on Psalm 107)

L: O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
P: For God's steadfast love endures forever.
L: Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, those redeemed from trouble;
P: Those whom God gathered from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south,
L: Let us thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works, let us tell of his deeds with songs of joy!


Call to Worship:
by Frank Schaefer

L: We gather today to give tribute to our Creator
P: We praise our God who is able to calm the storms
L: God is our Refuge and our Strength
P: With God on our side, we need not fear the enemy
L: Come, let us worship God!



Sisters and brothers, called to freedom in Christ: Grace, mercy, and peace be with you all.

And also with you.

Let us pray. Almighty God, judge of us all, you have place in our hands the wealth we call our own. Give us such wisdom by your Spirit that our possessions may not be a curse in our lives, but an instrument for blessing; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Prayer of Confession:
by Rev. Moira Laidlaw,

Lord Jesus Christ, as your followers we are called to be people shaped by your ethical and selfless life - one that is so much at odds with accepted  lifestyles of today. We confess how easy it is to be drawn into these worldly lifestyles and we need your constant help to make our behavior consistent with yours.
Forgive us when our words have been less than truthful -
inform us with your Spirit so that we speak the truth - your truth - at all times.
                                              (time of silence)
Forgive us for using anger to manipulate and to control -
direct us  with your Spirit that we might handle our anger responsibly.
                                               (time of silence)
Forgive us when our actions have lacked total integrity -
mould us with your Spirit so that all our dealings are carried out honestly and ethically.
                                              (time of silence)
Forgive us when our words have been thoughtless and offhand -
instruct us with your Spirit so that our words truly bring grace to  those who hear.
                                               (time of silence)
Renew us with your Spirit so that our words and actions bring you pleasure and not pain.
                                                (time of silence)
As conclusion of prayer sing Scripture in Song: 303 “Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me” singing a second time substituting “us” for “me”

Fall afresh on us, O Holy Spirit, and make our lives true reflections of  Jesus’ life, so that we live, love, and forgive as graciously and compassionately as he did. Amen

We are enabled to be kind to one another, to be tenderhearted, to forgive one another, and to be forgiven, because Jesus feeds us with his life. A life given to save us from sin. Hear, then, the good news: those who are in Christ are a new creation; the old has passed away, behold the new has come
Thanks be to God!


Prayer of the Day:
by Rev. F. Schaefer

God of Wisdom, God of Love, you have given us the precious gift of life.  May we be faithful stewards of the resources you have endowed to us in this life-time. May we be found generous toward others, especially toward  those who are needy and less fortunate.  Help us to remember that everything we have in this life is a loan   to be invested for spiritual profit. Teach us, Lord, to set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, so that our life will be sealed by the power and grace of Christ. Amen.


A Prayer of Thanksgiving and Petition
(Reubem Albes, Brazil)

    O God, just as the disciples heard Christ's words of promise and began to eat the bread and drink the wine in the suffering of a long remembrance and in the joy of a hope, grant that we may hear your words, spoken in each thing of every day affairs: coffee on our table in the morning;
the simple gesture of opening a door to go out, free;
the shouts of children in the park; a familiar song, sung by an unfamiliar face;
a friendly tree that has not yet been cut down.
    May simple things speak to us of your mercy, and tell us that life can be good.
And may these sacramental gifts make us remember those who do not receive them:
who have their lives cut every day, in the bread absent from their table;
in the door of the hospital, the prison, the welfare home that does not open;
in sad children, feet without shoes, eyes without hope;
in war hymns that glorify death; in deserts where once was life.
    Christ was also sacrificed; and may we learn that we participate in the saving sacrifice of Christ when we participate in the suffering of his little ones. Amen.


Prayer of Intercession

Confident in God's steadfast love through Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit, let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their needs.

For all people, leaders, and ministers of the church, that our minds may be set on things above, we implore you: God of grace,

let our prayer come before you.

For wealthy nations and people in the world, that they might recognize the futility of storing up possessions and be moved to share their material blessings with others, we implore you: God of grace,

let our prayer come before you.

For all those living vain and empty lives, that they might seek and find the fullness of life in Christ, we implore you: God of grace,

let our prayer come before you.

For those who are victims of violence and oppression, that they might live in safety and freedom, we implore you: God of grace,

let our prayer come before you.

For the sick (especially), that they might be brought to health and wholeness, and for the dying (especially), that the peace of Christ might rule in their hearts, we implore you: God of grace,

let our prayer come before you.

For our congregation, that we might be renewed in knowledge according to the image of you, our creator, and welcome in our midst those who differ from us, we implore you: God of grace,

let our prayer come before you.

For all the faithful who have gone before us (especially), we give thanks. Keep us, who have died to all things earthly through our baptism, safely hidden with Christ until we will be revealed with him in glory; we implore you: God of grace,

let our prayer come before you.

Teach us to pray, O God, and grant to all for whom we pray the good gifts that you have promised, through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Closing Prayer:

Ever-loving and faithful God, we thank you for the variety of gifts you have bestowed upon us.  Strengthen our commitment to you and your kingdom so that your word may be proclaimed unto all the ends of the earth. And may we be doers of your Word and not hearers only. Empower us through your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.