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Easter Sunrise Sermon
John 20:1-18
by lutherfetch

Advertising Network: a campaign has been developed to attract people to church during the season of Easter.

In this public relations campaign, it is suggested that the cross removed from the alter. According to the author, a survey has revealed that the cross is one of those symbols that the new generation of church goers considered too "churchy "

One pastor interviewed for the campaign gave his whole hearted endorsement. "We are going to attempt to concentrate on the resurrection, and not the death of Jesus.

Easter without the cross. Rather an interesting thought.

Kind of like the sun without light, The oceans without water, Or forests without trees.

It just doesn’t seem to work.

The road to the empty tomb will forever pass by a cross.

As the sun begins to rise this morning, Perhaps we might celebrate not only the resurrection, But the lengths to which our God was willing to go in order that We, the lost, might be redeemed. Our God was willing to go to the cross for us.

Without the risk of losing one’s life, The willingness to suffer, The humility to carry a cross, The resurrection loses its meaning.

Many people have different theories and beliefs about the cross. However, there is one thing that does remain consistent about it… It is impossible to ignore, And wherever it is lifted up, people do respond.

About 1930, the Communist leader Bukharin journeyed from Moscow to Kiev. His mission was to address a huge assembly. His subject… atheism.

For a solid hour he aimed his artillery at Christianity, hurling argument and ridicule.

At last he was finished and viewed what seemed to be the smoldering ashes of men's faith. "Are there any questions?" Bukharin demanded.

A solitary man arose and asked permission to speak. He mounted the platform and moved close to the Communist leader.

The audience was breathlessly silent as the man surveyed them first to the right, then to the left.

At last he shouted the ancient Orthodox greeting, "CHRIST IS RISEN!"

The vast assembly arose as one man and the response came crashing like the sound of an avalanche, "CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED!"

That is my message to you this morning as well. CHRIST IS RISEN! CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED!

He was willing to bear the humility of being a man, He carried and died upon a cross, And he was resurrected bring back with him The keys to hell, death, and the grave.


Out of the darkness, The Son has come to us this day To deliver us from sin and death.

The simplest meaning of Easter is that we are living in a world in which God has the last word.

On Friday night it appeared as if evil were the master of life. The holiest and most lovable One who had ever lived was dead and in His tomb.

He who had raised the highest hopes among men had died by the most shameful means.

A cross, three nails, a jeering mob of twisted souls, and a quick thrust of a spear had ended it all.

Those hours when His voice was stilled and His hands were quiet were the darkest through which humanity has ever lived.

If Caesar could put an end to Jesus, then no man could ever dare aspire or hope again.

Hope, in such a world, could be nothing better than a mockery.

Then came Easter morning and the glorious word: "Christ is risen!" And evil's triumph was at an end.

Since that hour when Mary in the garden first discovered the staggering fact of victory, no man or woman has ever had reason to fear or despair if he believed in the Resurrection.

We celebrate that resurrection this morning.

People of God, Lift up your voices.